
The GLOBE Academy Board of Directors is the governing body of the School and is responsible for overseeing the effective, faithful execution of the mission through the school’s program and operations.

The Board of Directors holds 10 formal meetings per year, which are announced in advance and open to the public. Each meeting includes a period for public comment; community members wishing to deliver a public comment should email Kevin Holder in advance of the meeting. Past and future meeting agendas and minutes, along with other Board documents, can be found via Board on Track.

The Board is organized around individual committees dedicated to Academics, Communications, Development, Diversity, Finance, Governance and Strategic Planning. These committees are always looking for engaged members; their meetings are also open to the public. Visit Board on Track or contact the committee chairs for more information.

Meet the Board

Lillian Norton
Board Chair

Michelle Hayes
Vice Chair

Adrienne McMillon
Treasurer and Finance

Holly Portier


Feifei Sun

Breck Heidlberg
Strategic Planning

Teri Williams


Tiffany Russell
Community and Cultural Engagement

Daniela Torre Gibney image
Daniela Torre Gibney
Board Member,
At Large

Jabari Clark

Volunteer on a Board committee

The committees of GLOBE's governing board meet at least monthly. Chaired by a member of the Board of Directors, each committee comprises other Board members, school administration, staff, parents, and members of the community at large. We are always looking for volunteers on the Board committees. If you are interested in joining a committee, please review the Board committee descriptions listed below.

To apply, complete the Board Committee Interest Form. If you have any questions reach out to boardofdirectors@theglobeacademy.net.

Board Information

Academic Committee
Charged with defining the Borrower’s education standards in accordance with the Charter.

Charter Renewal Committee
Leads the planning of the Charter renewal as the year for renewal approaches (as needed only).

Development Committee
Oversees the Borrower’s largest fundraisers, including the annual fund, to meet budgetary needs.

Community and Cultural Engagement Committee
Responsible for: ensuring that the diversity of the student body meets or exceeds the diversity from the population from which the students are drawn; establishing an ongoing diversity-related goal which includes training for faculty, staff and the Board; creating goals to mentor, promote and retain a diverse faculty, staff and Board; and facilitating other diversity-related initiatives in conjunction with the Executive Director, the Board and other relevant stakeholders.

Finance Committee
Works with the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer to create the upcoming fiscal year budget.

Governance Committee
Responsible for recruitment, nomination, orientation, training, and evaluation of Directors in accordance with the Borrower’s bylaws and policies and practices approved by the Board.

Strategic Planning Committee
Responsible for creating, reviewing, and proposing changes to the Borrower’s long-term strategic plan.

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