If you're a 4th or 5th grade student interested in joining the Elementary School Reading Bowl team, we've got something exciting to share.
The Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl is an annual competition in which fourth and fifth grade students read 10 assigned books, then they can compete in a quiz-bowl style competition against other schools. Teams consist of up to 5 players with up to 5 alternate players (total of 10 kids max).
If your student is interested in competing in this year's reading bowl, please have them fill out this form. *Forms can only be completed by the students using their @theglobeacademy.net account. Students will attend bi-monthly practices through October and weekly practices after that. The date and format of the competition this year is subject to change based on social distancing protocols.
Attending our first meeting is NOT a final commitment and is NOT a guarantee your child will make the final team. The first meeting on Thursday,Sep. 17th from 3:30-4 p.m. will be to go over reading bowl expectations. A link to the meeting will only be sent to those who complete the form prior to September 17, 2020.
Students will be invited to join a reading bowl Google Classroom and will join Google Meet from there to attend club meetings.