August 28, 2020 | by globeacademy
GLOBE Leadership has been working with MAP this summer to use their new remote testing so that we can have data as we move forward this year with our students. See below for our testing window and the recorded parent info sessions and materials.
MAP testing will be the weeks of August 31 through September 11, 2020.
Lower Campus
MAP testing will take place as follows on your child's English day:
8/31 & 9/1- 2nd and 3rd-Reading
9/3 & 9/4- All Grades- Math
9/10 & 9/11- 2nd and 3rd grade-Language/ K and 1st- Reading
Upper Campus
Upper Campus MAP testing will take place as per the following schedule:
9/1 - Reading
9/2 - Language
9/3 - Math
All students will receive an email on Sunday, August 30, with a link to a Google Meet for their testing session. Testing will take place at the same time each day – either 8:00 a.m. or 12 p.m., and there will be no regular classes (synchronous or asynchronous) on these days. Students will have project work to complete independently when not testing.
The Zoom Parent Session recording and materials for K-1st grades are here:
Click here to watch video
Click here for slides
The Zoom Parent Session recording and materials for 2nd-8th grades are here:
Click here to watch video
Click here for slides