May 9, 2020 | by admin
Read Caleb Dixon's profile #globestars
Name: Caleb Dixon
Age: 13
1. Favorite Book
“Percy Jackson”
2. Favorite Quote
"I am your father."
3. What would people be surprised to know about you?
I can do backflips on the trampoline.
4. What is your favorite memory of your time at GLOBE?
Space Camp
5. My favorite snack of all time is Gushers.
6. What are your hobbies?
Soccer, swimming, video games, reading
7. What I’ll miss most about GLOBE is friends.
8. What is your favorite song?
Chicken Nugget Dream Land
9. When I grow up, I want to be an architect.
10. What I’m most looking forward to about High School is new friends.