May 8, 2020 | by admin
Read Ruthie Betan-Snook's profile #globestars
Name: Ruthie Betan-Snook
Age: 14
1. Favorite Book
“The Running Dream”
2. Favorite Quote
"I don't need no degree to be a clothing hanger."
3. What would people be surprised to know about you?
I have a pet tarantula named Gil. I am funnier than people know.
4. What is your favorite memory of your time at GLOBE?
I loved going to Space Camp, especially the G-force Accelerator and the Mission Control.
5. My favorite snack of all time is Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.
6. What are your hobbies?
Drawing and running
7. What I’ll miss most about GLOBE is the teachers.
8. What is your favorite song?
“In My Blood” by Shawn Mendes
9. When I grow up, I want to be a veterinarian.
10. What I’m most looking forward to about High School is meeting new people.